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Affendressur / Spitzen Teams / Neue Retrospektiven

Affendressur  / Spitzen Teams / Neue Retrospektiven
Affendressur / Spitzen Teams / Neue Retrospektiven

Artikel: Warum viele Mitarbeiter und Manager wie Affen dressiert werden
Halten Sie auch wie Mutti Merkel die Hände bei Präsentationen immer im positiven Bereich, zur Schale geformt? Kommen Sie sich dabei auch so blöd vor wie ich, die eine natürliche Neigung zu schnellen Bewegungen hat? Wir sind doch alle dressiert! Dressiert von Leuten, zum Beispiel Rhetorik-Experten, die alle Stärken glattschleifen, von Ecken und Kanten befreien und zur Mitte hin entwickeln wollen.

Artikel: What makes great teams (what Google learned)
In Silicon Valley, software engineers are encouraged to work together, in part because studies show that groups tend to innovate faster, see mistakes more quickly and find better solutions to problems. Studies also show that people working in teams tend to achieve better results and report higher job satisfaction. In a 2015 study, executives said that profitability increases when workers are persuaded to collaborate more. Within companies and conglomerates, as well as in government agencies and schools, teams are now the fundamental unit of organization. If a company wants to outstrip its competitors, it needs to influence not only how people work but also how they work.

Artikel: How to keep Retrospectives fresh and engaging
How do you keep retrospectives fresh and engaging, when they should be ubiquitous and routine? One way to do this is by varying the activities that comprise the retrospective. Running a Stop/Start/Continue post-up every two weeks is going to get stale really quickly.

Zitat der Woche:
“Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”
(George Patton)

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